The Association of Businessmen and Professionals, CIT Marbella, firm in its commitment to social responsibility, has developed a transparency portal which has included information of interest of a legal, organisational and economic nature, as well as mechanisms of control and ethical management and good governance of the Association.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming increasingly important among CIT Marbella's objectives. For this reason, the Association of Entrepreneurs and Professionals prepares its sustainability reports in accordance with the G3m standard of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). CIT Marbella's sustainability report provides information about the economic, environmental, social and governance performance of our entity, based on a solid management of Corporate Responsibility, as well as the achievement of the consolidation of a culture of responsibility in all our areas of action.

Since 2012, CIT Marbella has adhered to the international initiative of the United Nations Global Compact, whose objective is to obtain a commitment from entities to social responsibility through the implementation of Ten Principles based on Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

The Association of Businessmen and Professionals, CIT Marbella, has developed its Code of Ethics and Good Governance, in the interests of continuous improvement as a Socially Responsible Association and in order to bring together the principles, values and guidelines that serve as a reference for the Association, and annually holds the Conference on "Socially Responsible Companies", focused in its first edition on "The Culture of Social Responsibility", and in the second edition on "A sustainable future", in collaboration with Hidralia and Marbella Town Hall.

In this sense, the association has continued to work for sustainability and CSR with the updating of the Sustainability Report, which allows a solid evaluation of the association's performance in the economic, social and environmental fields and serves as an optimal tool for continuous improvement.

In 2017 the Association of Entrepreneurs and Professionals of Marbella, CIT Marbella, has joined the Incorpora programme of Obra Social la Caixa, which aims at the labour and social insertion of people at risk of exclusion.

As an association of entrepreneurs, CIT Marbella will provide the almost 500 companies that form part of the group with information about this programme, as well as advice, information on subsidies and aid for recruitment and job creation.

CIT Marbella, which since its beginnings in 1989 has always been an organisation committed to the economic, business and social fabric of the city, remains firm in its commitment to social responsibility and therefore could not remain oblivious to current needs.

The Association of Entrepreneurs and Professionals, CIT Marbella, for the third consecutive year and in collaboration with Obra Social Caixa, has delivered Toy Vouchers to Cáritas Parroquial Marbella and CADI (Centre for Attention to Child Diversity).

Caixabank through its social action and in collaboration with the La Caixa Foundation and the Association of Entrepreneurs and Professionals, CIT Marbella delivered in June 2020 to the Marbella Local Police a donation of 804 FPP2 masks, which amounted to €4,000.

Similarly, CIT Marbella collaborated in December with the Marbella Town Hall, making a donation with the initiative of preparing a Christmas menu for needy families, delivered by the Red Cross and Caritas and has collaborated with the Charity Dinner of Horizonte Proyecto Hombre.

CIT Marbella also made a donation in April 2020 to the Hospital Costa del Sol of personal protective equipment (PPE), 800 FFP2 masks and 600 FFP3 masks, a total of 1,400 units valued at €10,500.

Name, nature and scope.

The Association of Businessmen and Professionals, CIT Marbella was born in 1989 on the initiative of a group of hoteliers in the city, who understood the need to unite in order to represent their common interests.

Since 1989, we have been an organisation committed to the economic and business fabric and the promotion of the Marbella-Costa del Sol brand as a first class tourist destination, and we are currently one of the most important lobbies in our province.

Principles, aims and objectives.

From the Association of Businessmen and Professionals of Marbella, CIT Marbella, made up of companies, businessmen and professionals, we continue to work firmly towards the achievement of the following aims/objectives:

Destacar la importancia turística del municipio de Marbella, promoviendo la organización necesaria que encauce, asesore y dirija los esfuerzos de entidades, organismos, instituciones, fundaciones y particulares en el municipio.

Gestionar, representar, defender y fomentar el turismo en el enclave turístico Costa del Sol y, en particular, en el municipio de Marbella

Coordinar, representar, gestionar, fomentar, promover y defender los intereses empresariales, generales y comunes de sus miembros integrantes

Cumplimos el compromiso de exponer a las autoridades y entidades competentes las necesidades y sugerencias que se consideren de interés para contribuir a la mejora de la planificación turística del Municipio de Marbella y del enclave Costa del Sol

Contribuimos y atendemos la conservación y defensa del paisaje y de la arquitectura local, a la pureza, salubridad y belleza del medio ambiente, procurando la exaltación de los particulares valores de cada zona, sector y lugar turístico

Interesamos y estimulamos el cumplimiento de las normas urbanísticas y el respeto y conservación de los estilos arquitectónicos en que se encuadren

Promovemos la creación de instalaciones complementarias de carácter urbanístico y turístico

Estimulamos toda clase de atracciones y actividades culturales, artísticas, deportivas y recreativas de acuerdo con las peculiaridades del municipio y las características de su población turística, que permita el crecimiento de la distracción y disfrute del tiempo libre de los visitantes

Somos cauce de toda clase de iniciativas para expansión y mejora de los servicios turísticos del área de acción de la Asociación

Promovemos y efectuamos una adecuada labor de propaganda con el fin de dar a conocer los atractivos turísticos de la demarcación de la Asociación, mediante la edición de publicaciones y cualesquiera otros medios propagandísticos y la instalación y potenciación de Oficinas de Información Turística

Gestionamos, promovemos y realizamos cualquier otra acción que pueda contribuir al fomento turístico y empresarial del Municipio

Establecemos relaciones con Organismos análogos

Representamos y gestionamos, en sus aspectos generales y comunes los intereses confiados ante todas las instancias, ya sean representativas, de gestión o de decisión, en los planos socio económicos culturales o políticos

Fomentamos las organizaciones profesionales empresariales, propiciando la unidad y solidaridad de las mismas

Estudiamos todo tipo de problemas que se planteen con carácter genérico a las empresas asociadas, acordando soluciones pertinentes y estableciendo líneas de actuación común de las entidades miembros

Elaboramos recomendaciones de actuación en materia socio económica ante los poderes públicos, especialmente las referidas a los problemas de la empresa, a la política económica en general, a la planificación y, en particular, informar los proyectos de normas emanadas de la Comunidad Autónoma que afecten a los intereses generales del empresario marbellí

Establecemos y facilitamos los servicios de interés común o específico, que requieran las organizaciones profesionales y/o entidades asociadas

Establecemos, mantenemos y fomentamos las pertinentes relaciones con entidades españolas, extranjeras e internacionales

Promovemos, gestionamos y llevamos a cabo, en interés de las empresas andaluzas, cuantas actividades o servicios de naturaleza social y laboral, profesional, económica, asistencial o de formación y previsión sean acordadas por los órganos de gobierno

Editamos revistas, boletines y publicaciones, en su caso, destinadas a la promoción, información y difusión de la Asociación, sus actividades y asociados, así como de las actividades de la Asociación en general


CIT Marbella is an organisation of an associative and non-profit nature, independent of the Administration, workers’ organisations and political parties, regulated by the present Statutes, by the Decree 2481/1974, of 9th August, on the Regulation of Tourist Initiative Centres, and as provided for in the same by the Law 19/1977 of 1st April, regulating the Right to Trade Union Association and other current provisions issued in development and application of those, as well as the concordant regulatory provisions.

Estamos a tu disposición para asesorarte:

Tel. 952 90 69 70

Calle Roy Boston s/n. 29602 Marbella
(lateral sur del Palacio de Congresos Adolfo Suárez de Marbella)

Horario de invierno
De lunes a jueves: 9.00h – 17.30h
Viernes: 9.00 – 15.00 h.

Horario de verano
Desde el 15 de Junio al 15 de Septiembre:
de: 9.00 – 15.00 h.

Governing bodies

1.-The Governing Bodies of the Association:

The General Assembly
The Board of Directors

2.-The executive positions of the Association are as follows

The President
The Vice-Presidents
The Members of the Board of Directors

The Association of Businessmen and Professionals, CIT Marbella is part of the CSEA Network of the Confederation of Andalusian Businessmen. It is a member of the Tourism Commission of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of the province of Malaga, and of the Plenary of the Chamber.

He is a member of the Confederation of Employers of Malaga, forming part of its Executive Committee. It also belongs to Turismo y Planificación Costa del Sol, the Foro Saneamiento Integral de la Costa del Sol and the Foro de Innovación y Promoción Turística, as well as being a member of the city's Economic and Social Council and the Trade Advisory Council.

The Association participates in different sectorial committees organised by the Marbella Town Hall to analyse the concerns and requests of the different business sectors of the city, such as new technologies, tourism, strategic plan, etc.

It has also participated in the Quality Committee of the Costal del Sol destination - Qualifica Consortium.


Juan José González Ramírez

Presidente CIT Marbella

José Luque García


Francisco Montero Jiménez

Vicepresidente y secretario

Ricardo Bocanegra Sánchez


Joseph Fay Viota


Miguel Gómez y Molina


Antonio Caracuel García


Sergio García Ferreira


José Carlos Moreno Pedrazuela


Mercedes Mengíbar Torres


María Teresa Gozalo


Carlos Díez de la Lastra


Fulgencio Díaz Madrid


Jacobo Cestino Castilla


Fausto Martínez Villa


Fernando Al Farkh García


Francisco Puya García



Rocío Jaime Ortiz

Secretaria de Gerencia

Yolanda Turrillo Candón


Belén Cantos Rueda

Dir. Gabinete de Comunicación y Prensa

Carlos Sánchez Urbano


Sara Gómez Díaz

Responsable Comercial y RR.PP.

Lola Cervera López

Gabinete Comunicación y Prensa


Almost 500 companies form part of the Association of Businessmen and Professionals, CIT Marbella, structured in 82 specialised sectors.

Code of ethics and good governance.

The Association of Businessmen and Professionals, CIT Marbella, has drawn up its Code of Ethics and Good Governance, in the interests of continuous improvement as a Socially Responsible Association and in order to bring together the principles, values and guidelines that serve as a reference for the Association.


Code of ethics and good governance

Sustainability report.

The Association of Businessmen and Professionals of Marbella, CIT Marbella, periodically prepares its sustainability report, in accordance with the G3m standard of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), being one of the first business associations in the province to do so.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming increasingly important among the objectives of CIT Marbella. CIT Marbella’s sustainability report provides information about the economic, environmental, social and governance performance of our entity, based on a solid management of Corporate Responsibility, as well as the achievement of the consolidation of a culture of responsibility in all our areas of activity.

This report allows us to measure the performance of our actions, set goals and manage the necessary changes with the stakeholders of the entity itself, making a solid assessment of the performance of the association in the economic, social and environmental field, serving as an optimal tool for continuous improvement, and the information obtained in the report will be a priority for the strategic plan of the Association.

Since 2012, CIT Marbella has adhered to the international initiative of the United Nations Global Compact, whose objective is to obtain a commitment from entities to social responsibility through the implementation of Ten Principles based on Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

In 2017 the Association of Businessmen and Professionals of Marbella, CIT Marbella, has joined the Incorpora programme of La Caixa, which aims to promote the employment and social integration of people at risk of exclusion. As an association of entrepreneurs, CIT Marbella will provide the almost 500 companies that form part of the group with information about the programme, as well as advice, information on subsidies and grants for hiring and job creation.

Psychosocial risk prevention manual.


Psychosocial Risk Prevention Manual

Economic information


The Association of Entrepreneurs and Professionals, CIT Marbella, has a budget of 281,209 euros.